Sunday, June 15, 2014

Flying Into The Heart of The Matter...

“Angels can fly directly into the heart of the matter….” ~Author Unknown
I believe in angels. I know they are among us, in quiet moments, as much as in life’s busy moments. I believe that an angel must have prompted an elderly woman to connect with me and speak to me. I was getting off the bus two weeks ago and I had a clumsy time of it….and I bumped into an elderly woman I had never seen before. She had thin silver hair twisted in chignon on top of her head, but small wisps ran wildly all around her face. She had a tinkly soft laugh, like jingle bells. Her eyes were blue, and that is something I remember most, she had really blue eyes.
As I bonked into her, she tinkly laughed as we both got off at the same bus stop. We stood waiting at the crosswalk light and I mentioned the weather and the fact that it wasn’t raining. I loved that about that day – no rain. She spoke of the joy in the day that she finds. She said she came from a sorrowful divorce of many years ago, and that it changes a person. When bad things happen, it changes you. She seemed to know that I had been through something, because she told me that I was changed. I said…”Excuse me?” And she let out another tinkling laugh, and said…God doesn’t cause us to change…he doesn’t orchestrate bad things to happen….he just stands beside us as we change from pain. She looked at my shaking hand and said, you must write. I said “What?” “Write what?, I said” She said….”You already know, my dear. You must write what you know…because it’s valuable.” “Once you write, well….it’s there, isn't it?”
Yes, I have been through a lot…I guess I do know some things about life. As I told her this, her tinkling laugh sounded off like jingle bells one last time, as we crossed the walk together. As we parted ways, she exclaimed with her back turned to me, and hand raised in air…”Write.” “Your pen is waiting…”
And I haven’t seen her since that time.

Happy Fathers Day

The 13 things my DAD taught me.
1. A good man is a good provider.
2. Silence is golden.
3. Oatmeal is best with bacon crumbled on top.
4. Radios entertain the imagination.
5. The Easter bunny carries a surplus of jelly beans.
6. Dolly Parton is the best country singer ever.
7. SOS is not a distress call according to some Navy men.
8. There is truth in every church, but in life you have to find your own truth.
9. After you pick green should also pick a guitar.
10. Zero is not nothing. It is something.
11. How to box, in case of a rumble.
12. Cornbread is dessert...if you add sorghum molasses.
13. Thunder is God's drums...look to the sky when you here them, and I'll be there.
I love you Daddy, and not a day goes by that I don't think of you or all the amazing things you taught me. Thank you for teaching me about life. Thank you for being my Daddy. Until we meet again...