My daughter and I watched an old movie called "Princesse Tam-Tam", starring Josephine Baker. Filmed in 1935, it certainly reflected the comedy, dialogue and tone of that era in history. It was a screenplay loosely portraying a 'Pygmalion' story. My daughter and I found ourselves quiet throughout the first part, then laughing through the middle, and lastly, feeling offended by the lead male's character wife and racist friends near the end of the movie. The movie did end on a beautiful note, thank goodness, and all the mixed emotions throughout the movie's story, seemed to blend into one of a common thread between us....awareness.
It was a different time back in the earlier years of the 20th century, and though our nation has come far through decades of civil unrest, advocacy for justice and fair treatment for all...racial equity has still, in 2015, not been achieved.
Social media lends us a window view of all the hate that still exists in this world. The judgements, intolerance, and loss of understanding, and the loss of respect. We are given this gift of life...and us who are warriors have entered life on this earth in difficult times. It is our gift of free will that gives us opportunity to believe. To be an individual of hope, and a person of faith. It is up to us. We must be the change that this world needs. And when we see a film, or experience a play, or music concert that moves us, or affects is important to experience all that the moment of artistry can be the catalyst for deeper thinking, it can be the voice to motivate, and like today, it can be the reminder that my work here on this earth is not near done. I dream of a world where prejudice does not exist, and where inequality is simply something that the "old days" held...a journey of history. A safer world for my children to navigate, as adults, and for my grandchildren to grow up in. Where differences are celebrated...and color means nothing more than the skin Josephine quoted below. A space of being, and of acceptance.
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