Monday, September 7, 2015

Reviving The Blog!

I am victorious, if only for the day!  After taking a year plus time away from blogging, I have stepped back into the realm.  Life happens, we all know that, but it has been a tough year for me, a time away from placing my thoughts or sharing my ideas onto a virtual share space. Facebook, has taken center stage these past 14 months, and though I do not regret it, because it has connected me in many ways to family all around, I need this.  I need something to share a piece of myself with.  If I have learned one thing this past year, it has been to wrap around those you love....they can be gone from this earth in an instant.  So, all of you great folk, will now get my Sugar Moon virtual wrap-a-round hugs!  

Please comment, don't be shy, and I welcome all topic ideas....let's talk!
I look forward to what this year in blogging can bring.  Now raise your arms.....and wave them around....and say..."We are alive, and we are here!"  

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